Tēnā koutou and hello,
I am delighted to share with you our third annual Ethical Investment Update. This update is particularly special as it includes our first stewardship Report as a founding signatory to the Aotearoa New Zealand Stewardship Code.
We have made great strides in our ethical investment journey this year, with a significant focus on preparation for our first climate risk report, enhancements to the underlying fund the ESG International Share Fund invests in, as well as a strong ESG focus as we reviewed and appointed cleaning and maintenance suppliers for the assets in the Property Fund. There are too many highlights to call out in this cover note, so I encourage you to take a moment to read the report.

We are very fortunate to have attracted some very talented people to the business this year, who all play important roles in implementing and overseeing our ethical investment processes. Our new Investment Analyst, Catherine Bodnar has hit the ground running with her appointment as co-Chair of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) Aotearoa Collaborative Working Group. We are firmly committed to supporting Catherine in this role and continuing to demonstrate our leadership role in the industry.
We acknowledge the tough economic times that many of the people that rely on the services of our clients are facing. It is in these moments that the work of our clients becomes even more vital. Your support for community good is an inspiration and it is our privilege to serve organisations that make such a profound impact.
I’d also like to thank Trust Management stakeholders – our owner, board members, staff, and clients for their contribution to making the world a better place.
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the team if you have any questions or feedback about this report – I hope it provides you with some interesting insights.
Ngā mihi
Rachael McDonald
Chief Executive Officer