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Property Fund

The investment objective is to provide income returns to investors and capital gains over the medium to long term ahead of the rate of inflation.

Investor Documents

Trust Management | PDS Application Form

Trust Management | Ethical Investment Policy

Trust Management | Other Material Information

Trust Management | Product Disclosure Statement

Trust Management | Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives

Trust Investments Management Limited is the issuer and manager of the Trust Management PIE Funds Scheme. A copy of the Scheme’s Product Disclosure Statement is available here. Further information can also be found at, under offer number OFR12861.


To provide a diversified exposure to directly held commercial properties located in New Zealand. Invests directly in a broad range of commercial properties and locations to generate income and capital gains and to limit and diversify risk. The Fund applies certain ethical investment criteria to property acquisitions.

Fund value:


Risk level:

Low to Medium

Estimated fund fees:


Average annual return:

8.7% p.a. since inception January 2001

Minimum suggested time frame:

5 years

Figures correct as at 30 September 2024. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for more information, including for details on the management fees and estimated administration charges that make up the annual fund charges.

Returns are before fees, expenses and taxes and annualised for periods longer than one year. Past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not guaranteed by Trust Management, the Supervisor or the underlying Investment Managers. Performance calculations for the Funds comprise the returns for the Trust Investments Group Investment Funds up to and including 31 March 2020 and for the Trust Management PIE Funds from 1 April 2020. 


To provide a diversified exposure to directly held commercial properties located in New Zealand. Invests directly in a broad range of commercial properties and locations to generate income and capital gains and to limit and diversify risk. The Fund applies certain ethical investment criteria to property acquisitions.

Risk focus:

Low to Medium

Average Annual return:

8.7% p.a. since inception January 2001

Estimated fund fees:


Minimum suggested time frame:

5 years

Fund Value


Figures correct as at 30 September 2024. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for more information, including for details on the management fees and estimated administration charges that make up the annual fund charges.

Returns are before fees, expenses and taxes and annualised for periods longer than one year. Past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not guaranteed by Trust Management, the Supervisor or the underlying Investment Managers. Performance calculations for the Funds comprise the returns for the Trust Investments Group Investment Funds up to and including 31 March 2020 and for the Trust Management PIE Funds from 1 April 2020.

Fund Value


Return focus:


Risk focus:

Low to Medium

Estimated fund fees:


Average Annual return:

8.7% p.a. since inception January 2001


8.7% p.a. since inception January 2001



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